Meet Captain Art and Crave: "The most dangerous combination since nitro and glycerine."
Taken with my Chocolate 2. What the heck's a instagram?
In this episode, Art models his boot-cuts while Crave jams his board in his favorite pair of parachute pants. You might be able to spot this dynamic duo playing with a dog somewhere in the Humboldt County woods or sharing the seat of a crotch-rocket speeding in and around the vineyards. Or maybe just take a journey up to Angwin and knock on the gates of the infamous Cole Township.
The bond between these two runs deep. For example, just after Crave punked Art's board, the two discussed "not being able to wait" for the new Ghost Rider movie to come out, making them the only two people in the country to have such feelings. Here's another Chocolate 2 pic of Crave getting lifted:
Stay tuned. Rumor has it a "Line and a Word with Ron Cleveland" might be in the mix.