I figured we might as well get the advertising going early, so....
Picture this in t-shirt or tank-top form sticking to your sweaty summer bod. A bod smelling of old socks, watermelon Four Loko, and Downer smoke. Hot, yes?
Well, my friends, your wish is coming true.
This Friday, y'all can buy your limited edition tees and tanks from the one, the only, Sean Dodge.
A Sean Dodge who looks like this:
And this:
But used to look like this:
And here's a nice old photo of the Brothers Dodge all of you nirgins should go print out and put in a cute little frame:
But, in all seriousness, the proceeds of the shirts will go toward paying Jimmy's rent while he's "away." And we all love the little guy. So do it.
Plus, who doesn't want a Free Jimmy shirt?
Facebook or e-mail Sean at deansodge@gmail.com