In my inconspicuous stupor, I looked up from the grimy La Rambla alleyway to witness this pocket-checking boy-rapist slurring Spanish and prematurely frisking me with his tourist and hard drug stained hands. Apparently he was unaware of the ninja-stealth most pick-pocketers practice. Regardless, I was afraid, but drunk, confused, and strangely smiling as well. I considered three different but flawless plans of action:
1. - A quick head-butt to his nose piece.
2. - Pai Mei's Five-Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique.
3. - Run.
I disregarded Option 1 for, at the time, I did not have the desire to bathe my face in some poor street chump's blood. Two would have been sort of a cop out, and I did not want to take my hands out of my pockets mainly because I was tired, but also so the poor street chump didn't have any chance at the little money I had in them. So I opted for the third plan.
After a little stutter step and one failed attempt at breaking through, I juked the kook to the right, threw some high knees, and Barry Sander'd my way out of the alley to ensure me and my colleague's "successful" return home. Wu-Tang.